The Herb Garden

Thymus praecox

Thymus praecox

Taxonomy Family Name: Lamiaceae Botanical Name: Thymus praecox Common Name: Creeping thyme, mother of thyme, woolly thyme DescriptionThymus praecox, also known as creeping thyme, is a creeping woody-based perennial that forms a relatively flat mat (about 2 - 6 inches...

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Thymus pulgiodes

Thymus pulgiodes

Taxonomy Family Name: Lamiaceae Botanical Name: Thymus pulegioides Common Name: Broad-leaved thyme, larger wild thyme, large thyme, greater wild thyme, lemon thyme DescriptionThymus pulegioides, also known as broad-leaved thyme, is a fragrant, evergreen, perennial...

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Thymus x citriodorus

Thymus x citriodorus

Taxonomy Family Name: Lamiaceae Botanical Name: Thymus x citriodorus Common Name: Lemon thyme DescriptionThymus x citriodorus, also known as lemon thyme, is a herbaceous perennial ground cover with small, fragrant, lemon-scented ovate leaves, and small pink flowers...

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Verbena officinalis

Verbena officinalis

Taxonomy Family Name: Verbenaceae Botanical Name: Verbena officinalis Common Name: Vervain, european vervain, holywort, Juno’s tears, mosquito plant, official vervain, pigeon’s grass, turkey grass, wild hyssop, wild verbena, holy herb DescriptionVerbena officinalis,...

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Vinca major

Vinca major

Taxonomy Family Name: Apocynaceae Botanical Name: Vinca major Common Name: Periwinkle, big periwinkle, bigleaf periwinkle, blue buttons, blue periwinkle, greater periwinkle, myrtle, vinca DescriptionVinca major, commonly known as big periwinkle, is a herbaceous...

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Azorella trifurcata (probable species)

Azorella trifurcata (probable species)

Taxonomy Family Name: Apiaceae Botanical Name: Azorella trifurcata (probable species) Common Name: cushion bolax, cushion plant, three forked emerald carpet DescriptionThe root of this plant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as food and a medicine. It...

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Asarum caudatum

Asarum caudatum

Taxonomy Family Name: Aristolochiaceae Botanical Name: Asarum caudatum Common Name: wild ginger DescriptionAn infusion of roots has been taken as a cold remedy, a laxative, a treatment for stomach issues, indigestion, and colic. Leaves have been eaten to increase...

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Artemisia vulgaris

Artemisia vulgaris

Taxonomy Family Name:  Asteraceae Botanical Name: Artemisia vulgaris (probable species). Common Name: Mugwort, wild wormwood, felon herb DescriptionCommon name of felon herb comes from a prior herbal medicinal use of this plant in the treatment of felons, a painful...

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Artemisia stelleriana

Artemisia stelleriana

Taxonomy Family Name:  Asteraceae Botanical Name: Artemisia stelleriana Common Name: Silver Brocade artemisia, beach wormwood, hoary mugwort, dusty miller, and oldwoman DescriptionIts leaves are used for flavouring rice dumplings.  Its medicinal value was believed to...

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Artemisia schmidtiana (probable species)

Artemisia schmidtiana (probable species)

Taxonomy Family Name: Botanical Name: Artemisia schmidtiana (probable species) Common Name: Silver Mound, Angels-Hair, Wormwood, Sagebrush, or Mugwort DescriptionMany types of Artemisia are used as herbal remedies but this particular Artemisia doesn’t have any...

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Artemisia ludoviciana

Artemisia ludoviciana

Taxonomy Family Name: Botanical Name: Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Common Name: White sage, Silver wormwood, white sagebrush, wild sage, prairie sage, wormwood, white mugwort, western mugwort, Louisiana sage, darkleaf mugwort, Mexican sagewort, Chihuahua sagewort,...

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Artemesia abrotanum

Artemesia abrotanum

Taxonomy Family Name: Asteraceae Botanical Name: Artemisia abrotanum Common Name: Southern wood, Boy’s love, Lad’s love, Garderobe, Maid’s love, Old Man, Sitherwood and Southern wormwood DescriptionHistorically this plant has been used medicinally and due to its...

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Armeria maritima

Armeria maritima

Taxonomy Family Name: Plumbaginaceae Botanical Name: Armeria maritima Common Name: Thrift, sea pink DescriptionSea thrift is rarely used in herbal medicine, though the dried flowering plant is antibiotic and has been used in the treatment of obesity, some nervous...

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Allium x proliferum

Allium x proliferum

Taxonomy Family Name: Alliaceae Botanical Name: Allium x proliferum This plant is a cross between Allium cepa, the cultivated onion, and Allium fistulosum, the Welsh onion Common Name: Egyptian Walking onion, tree onions, top onions, top-set onions, winter onions...

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Allium tuburosum

Allium tuburosum

Taxonomy Family Name: Amaryllidaceae Botanical Name: Allium tuburosum (probable species) Common Name: Garlic chives, Chinese chives, Chinese Leeks, Flat Chives, Oriental Garlic DescriptionAll parts of the plant have an oniony smell when cut or crushed, however, the...

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Allium schoenoprasum

Allium schoenoprasum

Taxonomy Family Name: Amaryllidaceae Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum (probable species) Common Name: Chives, onion grass DescriptionA small, bulbous perennial forming a clump of upright, narrowly cylindrical, hollow, onion-scented leaves up to 30cm tall. Rounded...

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Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga ReptansTaxonomy Family Name: Lamiaceae Botanical Name:  Ajuga reptans Common Name: Ajuga, Blue Bugle,  Bugleherb, Bugleweed, Bugle Weed, Carpet Bugle DescriptionHistorically, Ajuga was a common choice, externally applied, to stop bleeding (what herbalists call...

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Agasatache foeniculum

Agasatache foeniculum

Taxonomy Family Name: Lamiaceae Botanical Name:  Agastache Foeniculum (possible cultivated variety) Common Name: anise-hyssop, giant hyssop, lavender giant hyssop. DescriptionDespite the common name, it is not closely related to hyssop (Hyssopus spp.), a European...

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Aconitum variegatum

Aconitum variegatum

Taxonomy Family Name: Ranunculaceae Botanical Name:  Aconitum variegatum Common Name: European monkshood, Manchurian monkshood, Branched monkshood, Variegated monkshood, Variegated Monk's-hood, European wolfsbane DescriptionThe use of this species of Aconitum is...

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