Darlene Berry – Outstanding Contributions 2020
“May you live in interesting times”. No kidding.
This year has been full of surprises, some good, some bad. It’s hard to reflect on all the changes we have had to go through in the last 6 months, but this is our new “ normal” and will continue for some time. Many of us simply hunkered down at home, spending much more time in our gardens, growing more food, renovating beds, cleaning up our yards. One of our members chose instead to reach out to the Comox Valley Horticultural Society to help.
Darlene Berry joined in 1999 and has held positions within the Club as Secretary, assisted on the Opportunity Table 2013-14, Social Table Chair since 2015, Spring and Fall Plant Sale Chair since 2016, and Chair of the Annual Plant Show. Way back when, the show took place in the Filberg Centre Lower Hall, with nearly 70 categories of plant competitions. She won 4 -1st place ribbons, 2 -2nd’s, and 1 -3rd.
Darlene confided that she was in awe of the members’ ability to recognize and remember all the plant’s Latin names. Currently, she is President of the Campbell River Bonsai Club, and a Regional Director for BC, for the Pacific Northwest Bonsai Clubs Association.
In her spare time ( ha!), she spends many happy hours tending to her garden, always renovating and redesigning. Some of her plants have been moved so many times, they have earned “Air Miles” points.
But what she has done this year, is even more remarkable. Hopefully, you have seen on our website, the little Farm Stand at 5000 Willis Way. She has raised over $1200 to date for us and still is welcoming your plants for babysitting for our (fingers crossed) Spring Plant Sale or to be put up for sale at the Stand. Now we recognize our member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty, who displays such a passion for plants and has always been willing to step up and lend a helping hand.
Please congratulate Darlene Berry for her Outstanding Contributions to CVHS.
We presented a hummingbird carving to Darlene to recognize her outstanding contributions in 2020. This piece was crafted by Bill Bolten, who recently presented Dr. Bonnie Henry with a similar carving.