BCCGC Fall General Meeting

BC Council of Garden Clubs

Fall General Meeting

OCTOBER 24 2020
9:00 am-Noon



This meeting is free for all members of your club and everyone is welcome.
REGISTER NOW –> Meeting Registration Link

In addition to BCCGC business announcements and reports, there will be three featured speakers, Linda Stanley Wilson, Alexa Pitoulis, and Claude LeDoux. See the BCCGC October 1st newsletter for further details about our speakers.

The meeting materials are available online now (bcgardenclubs.com/resources) and include the agenda, the 2021 proposed budget, and a motion for a change to the constitution.

A designated delegate from each club will be asked to vote on the 2021 proposed budget and the motion to amend the Constitution and By-laws (and will receive a specific invitation to do so via Survey Monkey in late November). All member clubs may designate one person from their club as the voting delegate who must review the meeting documents prior to voting. (All member clubs are eligible to vote whether you have had a representative attend a BCCGC meeting before or not.)

In order to give member clubs the required sixty (60) days’ notice, the SurveyMonkey voting invite will be sent out on November 28th (voting must be completed by 11:45 PM on Saturday, December 5, 2020).

BCCGC flower