October 2019: Annual General Meeting
October 28, 2019
![Pinus contorta – Shore Pine](https://i0.wp.com/comoxvalleyhortsociety.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/20191028_205402.jpg?fit=3456%2C4608&ssl=1)
This is a fun evening where we get to see our Members horticultural creations, besides their gardens – garden hobbies, crafts, art, and preserves. Come and see what our members have done with their garden harvest. Our resident experts will also host a Bonsai display, so come and see just what they can do with trees these days!
Call for Board and Committee Members:
The AGM is the time for the membership to nominate and accept the Clubs Officers (4 positions – President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and Directors (6 Director at Large positions) for the coming year. All Board positions are open and volunteers can step forward to fill them
(for information on these positions, please visit our web site: https://comoxvalleyhortsociety.ca/volunteer-opportunities/). If more than one person comes forward for a position, then it is up to the membership to choose, by voting in a show of hands. Two of our Directors are stepping down, which leaves three vacant Director at Large positions, and we have one volunteer willing to fill one of the Director positions. Our Secretary is stepping down, and the Vice-President position is vacant. This leaves four vacant Board positions to fill:
- Director at Large (2 positions)
- Secretary
- Vice-President
The rest of the Board has indicated their willingness to volunteer for another year in their current positions.
Our Committee positions have no timeframe for how long someone can stay in the position. When a Volunteer steps down if no one steps forward to fill in, then that Committee may not be running in the coming year. Several of our Committees are looking for volunteers:
- Herb Garden – Filberg Lodge
- Workshops
Committee positions can be shared, so having two Co-Chairs really lightens the load!
Everyone who volunteers brings their own unique skills and experience to share; this is what makes the CVHS a dynamic and exciting club to belong to. I know many of our members have volunteered in the past for these positions, and your contribution has helped make the CVHS what it is today, so thank you! We are in need of some help, so please consider volunteering.