Gardens in Bloom
The CVHS invites you to attend this 2 day self-guided tour of 10 private gardens to discover and enjoy the rich tapestry of colours displayed in autumn blooming plants, grasses and foliage. Our garden selection team strives to include a wide range of gardens that present distinctive gardening styles, unique landscape features plus a few whimsical surprises! There will be something for everyone, be it gardening knowledge, design inspiration or the wonderful sensory experience of fall in the Comox Valley.
Tickets on sale mid August
Tickets are $20 per person.
Tickets can also be purchased at Anderton Nursery, Art Knapp’s Plantland, Home & Garden Gate, Blue Heron Books, and at Seeds in Cumberland.
This tour is an important CVHS fundraiser with proceeds returned to the community in support of various gardening endeavours and projects. A few notable recipients have been:
- Friendship Garden Fun (Courtenay Elementary School)
- Seed to Plate (Ecole Robb)
- Let’s Grow! Comox Community Garden
- Serenity Garden (Stepping Stones Recovery House)
- Lake Trail Community Garden Education Outreach
We thank our sponsors for their generous financial support:
- Greenatopia Gardens
- Island Waterscape
- Gerry Chwelos of Pemberton Holmes
- Jeff Nield of Engel & Volkers
To volunteer as a gate-sitter
or for more information please contact our
Gardens in Bloom Chair – Dee Horie at